Renewing Vintage Favorites

Our goal is to breathe new life into vintage books that are fun and amusing stories and that also demonstrate relevant biblical principles in action. We select hard-to-read books and update the archaic language and references, often adding new illustrations to help them come alive. We believe a reader will enjoy a story more without the distractions of strange words, spelling and figures of speech that don’t make sense to us today.
We have adapted many of the wonderful works of Elizabeth Prentiss, a gifted storyteller from the Civil War era. Elizabeth’s hymn “More Love to Thee” was the inspiration for our Publishing name. Her goal was to write books that would strengthen and comfort others. Though we have modernized the language and changed some scenes in the Suzy books to be easily relatable to small children, we have retained the conservative Christian values. All books except the Suzy Series are still set in the era in which they were written, with very minimal changes other than language.

Themes of God’s love for us and submission to His will permeate Elizabeth Prentiss books, and are presented in an entertaining and charming way while inspiring the reader to a closer walk with the Lord. Virtues such as Love, Selflessness, Kindness and Patience are emphasized. Americans, as well as Europeans cherished their copies of Prentiss’s books, especially the Suzy Series and Stepping Heavenward. See this post, a personal letter to Prentiss about one such reader.
We’ve also published A Hedge Fence by Isabella Alden and The Rambles of a Rat by British author, ALOE (A Lady of England) the pseudonym for Charlotte Maria Tucker. These devout women could never have imagined the current digital age, and that their books would take a new form and inspire us 150 years later. Hopefully these modern editions will inspire others 150 years from today! We plan to reproduce more as God allows.
We’ve created a new imprint called HomePages Books, for Home Educators and teachers, and our first book is Handy Houses-Memorize the Piano Keys in 5 Minutes. See it Here. It really works!
We went off on a tangent publishing Ten Acres Enough by Edmund Morris, which is his adventure in raising a family and providing for them on 10 Acres during the Industrial Revolution. We just loved this one and Morris inspired our own journey into the country.
See and hear the song, More Love to Thee that inspired our name!
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